
Albumin is the most available protein in blood plasma and it is made by Liver. Functions of Albumin are carries Vitamins, Hormones, Drugs, Ions,Nourishes tissues etc. Albumin concentration in blood drops when severe damage happens to liver or affected by kidney disease called Nephrotic syndrome or in cases of high inflammation. Increased level of Albumin Observed when a person get dehydrated . This test can be performed in Serum/Heparinized or  EDTA plasma.

Pack Details

Catalogue No Product Pack size
PBALB-200 Albumin-ML 4 x 50 ml

Technical Details

MethodBCG Method/Endpoint
Sensitivity0 gm/dL
Linearity10 gm/dL
ReagentLiquid stable ,Ready to use , Mono reagent
Assay time3 Mins