Angiotensin Converting Enzyme

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE),Its helped to regulate blood pressure. Increased level of ACE sometimes found in a Systemic Ganulomatous ,unknown cause disorder called Sarcoidosis. Its often affects lungs but may also affect many other body organs.This test may also be helpful in confirming Gaucher disease and leprosy. This test may be recommended if an individual has signs and symptoms like Granulomas, Joint pain , Shortnes of breath, Chronic cough, red eyes , watery eyes etc. This test can be performed in serum and Heparinised plasma

Pack Details

Catalogue NoProduct Pack size
PBACE-10ACE with Factor10ml
PBACE-25ACE with Calibrator25ml
PBACE-50ACE with Calibrator50ml
PBACE-100ACE with Calibrator100ml

Technical Details

Sensitivity  1 U/L
Linearity  150 U/L
Reagent  Liquid stable ,Ready to use , Mono reagent
Assay time 10 Mins 
Certification  ISO-13485